Nę K’ǝ Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨ Forum Print

Many environmental research and monitoring programs and projects are underway in the Sahtú Region, and the need for this work is expanding with the emerging shale oil play in the Tulı́t’a District. On November 5-7, 2013, a meeting including representatives of Sahtú organisations, government and industry reached a consensus that such programs and projects should be well coordinated, with strong input from Sahtú communities.

As a consequence, Sahtú organizations and the Government of the Northwest Territories (led by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources) have agreed to create a Forum that will support research and monitoring proponents and Sahtú organisations in sharing priorities, plans and proposals, providing feedback and guidance, coordinating objectives and activities. The aim is to more effectively address important issues in the Sahtú.
Vision: Environmental monitoring and research programs and projects in the Sahtú are coordinated and conducted in ways that reflect regional and community priorities, engage communities, value both western science and traditional knowledge, and support wise decision-making.


The Nę K’ǝ Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨ Forum (formerly Sahtú Environmental Research and Monitoring  Forum) will support environmental research and monitoring by providing a venue for discussing plans and accommodating the priorities and traditional knowledge of Sahtú communities.


The Forum will address the following objectives in supporting environmental research and monitoring in the Sahtú Region: Identify regional priorities and research gaps; build cross-cultural understanding; support and protect traditional knowledge processes; support regional and regulatory decision-making; identify opportunities for: collaborative research involving communities, communication, information-sharing, and cross-cultural interpretation of research results.

Research Priorities

The Forum considers both community and regional research priorities, as well as priorities developed by organisations with responsibilities for guiding research in the Northwest Territories and beyond. The Forum reviewed these priorities at a workshop in January, 2014. More information about regional research priorities can be found in Nę K’ǝ Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨ Forum activity reports as well as Sahtú Research Results Workshop reports. 

Past Meetings

24-04-17 Tǫdzı Nę́nę́ Meeting
24-02-27 Geography and Seismic Programs
23-10-30 Boreal caribou collaring program - Mackenzie Valley Highway monitoring program
23-10-03 Tǫdzı Nę́nę́ Planning Meeting
23-09-27 Petroleum Histories Project - Update and Team Intro
23-06-13 to 
In-person Forum gathering in Tulita. 
23-04-24 NWT Species at Risk
23-04-14 Waterfowl population, Hare and Small Mammal Surveys
23-03-10 Land, Peoples, Relationship Model with Joe Copper Black
23-02-03  NWT Biodiversity Monitoring Program, Mackenzie Valley Winter Road
23-01-20 Mercury and other Contaminants in Fish
22-12-20 Todzi Range Plan
22-12-09 O'Grady & Permafrost
22-11-25 Herd Film Screening
22-11-18 Northern Mountain Caribou
22-11-16 Petroleum Histories Project
22-11-01 COVID-19 Response Evaluation Report
22-10-25 Mackenzie Valley Winter Road, Water Licences
22-10-12 Dene Bere (country foods) campaign
22-10-07 Bull trout, Species at Risk
22-08-29 Holistic Long-term Continuum of Care Report Review
22-08-17 Species at Risk
22-07-22 Human Biomonitoring Results
22-07-19 Berries
22-06-30 Colonialism in Canada
22-05-24 Winter Snow Track Surveys
22-05-19 Aurora College Facilities
22-05-12 Covid-19 Response Evaluation
22-04-08 Facilitation and Participatory Leadership Training
22-03-25 Todzi Atlas
22-03-18 Community Conservation Planning Toolkit Development
22-03-11 River Journeys
22-02-17 Petroleum History and Reclamation Mapping
22-02-11 Holistic Long-Term Continuum of Health
21-12-03 Boreal Caribou Range Planning
21-11-26 Mackenzie Valley Highway
Dene Astronomy
NWT Species at Risk
Délı̨nę Public Listening Session - Regional Workshop Prep Call
Paying the Land book discussion
Sahtú Research and Monitoring Strategy
CIMP Draft Action Plan
Forestry Funding Application
Board Engagement and Consultation (MVLWB and MVEIRB)
A Century of Petroleum Extraction at Tłegǫ́hłı̨ (Norman Wells): Indigenous knowledge for Indigenous guardianship
Sahtú Harvest Study
Dene Béré Campaign
Community Harvester Assistance Program/Mackenzie Valley Furs Program Review
Muskox Research
Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Session - Regional Workshop Planning
Canadian Mountain Network Hub - Letter of Intent 
 Caribou Landscape and Forestry Funding Applications
 Délı̨nę 2021 Public Listening Session - Planning Discussion 
Boreal Caribou Range Planning 
Colville 2020 Public Listening Session - Final Report 
CIMP Letter of Intent - Birds, Imperial Closure & Reclamation and Fish
Letter of Intent - Climate change and Dene Béré Campaign
Funding Proposal - caribou, wildfire and climate change 
Imperial Oil Closure 
 River Journeys, Treaty 11 (second meeting)
River Journeys, Treaty 11 
Little Critters Status Ranking
Water Stewardship Strategy
Initiatives and Networking during the pandemic period
CIMP Letter of Intent, Research and Monitoring Updates, Research Licences 
 CIMP Letter of Intent Call, Tsá Túé Research Monitoring Workshop, Forum member roles, Sahtú Monitoring Framework and Research Strategy
 Sahtú Harvest Study Community Engagement, Summer Plans, Research Licences Referral Process
Sahtú Harvest Study Presentation
Barren-ground Caribou Research, Research Updates, Cross-Cultural Research Camp
Workshop Debrief, Gathering of Caribou Debrief and upcoming Forum activities
Research Proposals and Forum Workplan
Roundtable updates, Environmental Studies Research Fund, 
Wildlife Cumulative Effects Monitoring
Overview of Central Mackenzie Shale Oil Partnership and Forum Workplan
Updates from Partners and Terms of Reference Overview
Yellowknife Forum Workshop
Forum Terms of Reference



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