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Sahtú Renewable Resources Board

Folder 03.4 Relevant Documents - GNWT Overarching Strategies and Action Plans



This framework is a result of recommendations outlined in the Auditor General of Canada’s October 2017 report on Climate Change in the NT. It provides the territory with direction between now and 2030 to act locally, while fulfilling our commitments to Canada and the world. Work is focused on three overriding goals:

Goal 1: Transition to a strong, healthy economy that uses less fossil fuel, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.

Goal 2: Improve knowledge of the climate change impacts occurring in the NWT.

Goal 3: Build resilience and adapt to a changing climate.

pdf 2030 NWT CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2019 2023 Action Plan Popular

Lays out actions, timelines, resources, leads and partners, and status on action items associated with the above Framework. Also lists future collaborations, progress measurements, funding sources, roles and responsibility (Co-management boards found on page 51). Also in plan on page 24, is action on reviewing land use plans (Sahtú included).


CIMP conducts, coordinates and funds the collection, analysis and reporting of environmental monitoring and research in the NWT.  SSI is a member of the CIMP steering committee. The plan targets activities based on 10 overriding goals:

Goal 1: Identify and promote cumulative impact monitoring priorities of key decision-makers for caribou, water and fish; 

Goal 2: Identify how NWT CIMP can better consider, support and facilitate Indigenous knowledge in resource management decisions;

Goal 3: Ensure that Indigenous governments and organizations continue to guide the design and implementation of NWT CIMP through the Steering Committee;

Goal 4: Develop and implement a GNWT-Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Cumulative Impact Framework;

Goal 5:  Conduct and support regional environmental cumulative impact monitoring, using Indigenous and scientific approaches;

Goal 6: Address high priority cumulative impact monitoring and research questions of key decision-makers for caribou, water and fish;

Goal 7: Support and promote Indigenous Knowledge cumulative impact monitoring projects; Goal 8: Report relevant NWT CIMP-supported monitoring and research results directly to co-management boards;

Goal 9: Ensure NWT CIMP monitoring and research results are accessible to communities and the public; and

Goal 10: Facilitate the NWT Environmental Audit every five years in accordance with the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA).

pdf Sustainable Livelihoods Action Plan 2019 2023 Popular

The plan helps prioritize ECC’s resources and capacity to support sustainable livelihoods across the NWT It has specific action items/goals for each of five objectives.

Objective 1: Promote and support opportunities for mentorship, learning and training related to on-the-land activities for interested residents.

Objective 2: Support communities, Indigenous governments and organizations, schools, non-government organizations and other partners in pursuing sustainable livelihoods programs and services by reducing administrative burden.

Objective 3: Strengthen communication about existing programs and increase promotion of sustainable livelihoods at multiple levels.

Objective 4: Create, promote and support opportunities for program development.

Objective 5: Ensure ENR programs run effectively, efficiently and support the people who need them, and ensure accountability in Action Plan implementation