Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı
Sahtú Renewable Resources Board

Our Scholarship Students

We’re proud to showcase past and present scholarship students and the programs they have chosen, ranging from technical college courses to graduate studies at universities. We wish them all the very best as our future leaders in wise decision-making for the land and people!


Indigenous Language Revitalization

The University of Victoria offers certificate and Master’s programs in Indigenous Language Revitalization. One of these is a two week certificate program offered in Yellowknife through a partnership with the Government of the NWT, and the En'owkin Centre in Penticton, British Columbia.

The University of Alberta also offers a certificate in Indigenous Languages through the Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute

These programs aim to support a generation of language experts who will have the language and academic skills to participate and lead successful language revitalization efforts in Indigenous communities. The graduate programs also serve to develop language scholars who will have the expertise to support post-secondary instruction in the revitalization, recovery and maintenance of Indigenous languages.

2024-2025 Scholarship

Andrew Speakman 

AS photoAndrew Speakman was raised in Délı̨nę and spent time in Yellowknife afterwards. He has a degree in math and physics, with a minor in religion. After three years of working in the statistics field, it's time to refocus on computational linguistics. How can computers help Dene Kede grow and thrive? Andrew enjoys politics, the concept of Denendeh, soccer, minimalism, and boiled eggs.





Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning

Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning [http://dechinta.ca] is a northern initiative delivering land-based, University of Alberta-credited educational experiences led by northern leaders, experts, elders and professors. Located off the grid in a remote eco-lodge accessible only by bush plane, snowmobile or dog team, learning from the land while living in community is central to the Dechinta experience. Gather under the northern lights to discuss Dene Political Theory around a fire. Ski or canoe to check fish nets, and gain hands on experience about ecosystems management. Collect medicines and learn regional history from expert elders. Contemplate the importance of land to community and life with a diverse group of students, volunteers and elders. Live in log cabins heated by woodstove, and enjoy amenities such as a sauna, hot tub, and organic gardens. Hunting, fishing and wild harvesting are integrated into the curriculum, led by dynamic and diverse faculty with direct experience in research and leadership in the subject areas.

No current recipients (2024-2025)   

Environmental and Natural Resource Technology Program, Aurora College

The Environment and Natural Resources Technology Program (ENRTP) is a two-year Diploma program at Aurora College in Fort Smith that is a popular choice for our scholarship students.

For those who need some additional academic credits to enter the ENRTP Diploma program, Aurora College offers s a 10 month access program, including courses in English, Math, Science and Introduction to Computers and an Environment Natural Resources Technology Foundations course.

The ENRTP Diploma program links opportunities to learn from experience in the field with academic coursework in the classroom and skill training in the laboratory. Graduates of the program possess the ability needed to succeed as technicians and officers in natural resource and environmental management careers including wildlife, forestry, marine and freshwater fisheries, planning, water resources, environmental protection, parks, land claim resource management, oil and gas, and mining. The program places emphasis on learning through experience.

2023-2024 Scholarship 

Anne Marie JacksonAnne Marie is Kasho-Gotine, from Fort Good Hope. She was raised traditionally and seasonally on the land, apart from the settlement and mainstream society. Her long-term career goal is to contribute back to her community or any First Nation community in the NWT, by pursuing her academic degree in Environmental studies. 





Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary area of study at universities, where culture and nature are understood to be deeply integrated, and where the social sciences, humanities, arts and natural sciences meet and inform each other. Environmental Studies students are encouraged to consider ecological, political and economic constraints and possibilities, and to explore how ideas and practical matters come together. This field provides opportunities for reflexive, rigorous, critical and creative thinking to inform policies and programs in environmental management.

2023-2024 Scholarship

 Naokah Bailes

NBailes 2

Naokah Bailes grew up in Norman Wells. She is Sahtúot’įne from Délı̨nę where her family roots are. Naokah grew up spending time hunting and fishing at her cabin on Great Bear Lake, and tagging along with her bush pilot dad to the mountains. Naokah is very involved in the tourism industry throughout the Sahtu and has been for the past 10 years. You can find her taking part in research projects, leading youth outdoor-education programs, guiding canoe trips, or working for the hunting outfitters in the Mackenzie Mountains. She is involved with the Sahtu Renewable Resource Board through the Nıo Ń ę P’ęnę́ - Trails of the Mountain Caribou program as well as the Sahtu Youth Network's current campaign. Growing up in the Sahtu and spending time on the land inspired Naokah to take Nature-Based Tourism Management at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Naokah strives to get Sahtu Dene people involved in the tourism industry as well as incorporate traditional dene knowledge. Naokah is currently attending UNBC and working for Parks Canada part-time on their promotions team. Naokah hopes to use her studies from UNBC to move back to the Sahtú and continue to work in the tourism industry as a business owner/operator. Naokah is honoured to have the support of the Sahtú Renewable Resource Board in her university career path. 

 Taylor Schear

TSchear Photo

Taylor Schear graduated from Kalemi Dene School in June 2023. She is a member of the Tłegǫ́hłı̨ Got’įnę Government (Norman Wells Land Corporation) and the Fort Good Hope Dene Band and has been accepted to the University of Alberta for the 2023 fall term to pursue a Bachelor of Arts, Recreation, Sport and Tourism.  Taylor has participated in Northern Youth Leadership Camps. She has done many paddling trips in the Sahtú. Taylor enjoys learning survival skills and developing her leadership skills. 




Other areas of studies

2023-2024 Scholarship

 Janelle Pierrot

JP 2Janelle is from Fort Good Hope, she is studying Business Administration at Yukon University.  






Past recipients