Canada-Deline Uranium Table Final Report
From Abstract:
The Canada-Deline Uranium Table (CDUT) was formed by the Deline First Nation and the federal government in 1999 to address community concerns about the environmental and health impacts of the Port Radium uranium and radium mine, which operated from 1931-1960 and whose activities were supported by workers from Deline. In the 1980s, people in Deline began to learn of the damages to human and environmental health that can be caused by radium and uranium mining, causing community members to fear for the safety of their land and traditional foods and to connect recent cancer suffering in the communtiy to past radium and uranium exposures. The CDUT Final Report describes the studies and activities carried out during Action Plan implementation and presents all associated findings and recommendations. Key findings include: the Port Radium mine was generally in compliance with contemporary regulations relevant to uranium milliing and mining; it is not possible to know for certain if the death or illness of any given individual was directly caused by radiation exposure; and healing activities focused on the affirmation of Dene culture and identity have proven helpful in the aftermath of this problem.
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Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and Délı̨nę First Nation. Canada-Délı̨nę Uranium Table Final Report. Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2005.
Additional Info
- Publication Type: Report
- Place Published: Ottawa, ON
- Keywords: Land Use|Review and Evaluation