Dene, A Journey
Dene, a Journey is a two-season documentary series created by Yellowknife-based filmmaker Amos Scott, broadcast on APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) in 2013 and 2015. Tagged as a "land-based cultural adventure show," the series profiles young urban Dene who seek to reconnect with their Indigenous cultural heritage and traditional territory. Two episodes feature youth with Sahtú roots: in Season 1, Episode 6, Juno Award-winning musician Leila Gilday learns to tan a moosehide in Délı̨nę; in Season 2, Episode 8, Vancouver-based Eugene Boulanger goes on a hunting trip up the Keele River into Shúhtaot'ı̨nę territory with relatives.
Watch Season 6, Episode 1:
Dene A Journey Season 1, Episode 6- Dene Today and Tomorrow from Dene A Journey on Vimeo.
Access full episodes:
Scott, Amos. Dene, A Journey. Documentary Series. Yellowknife: Dene A Journey, 2015.
Additional Info
- Publication Type: Multimedia
- Keywords: Radio and Television