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Sahtú Renewable Resources Board


The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry

Author: Thomas R. Berger
Publication Year: 1978

In a retrospective piece, Justice Berger looks back at his reasons for recommending a 10-year postponement of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, along with his recommendations to create several wildlife sanctuaries in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Contextualized by the time of writing, he comments that neither capitalist nor communist economic systems were equipped or prepared to recognize that sustainable growth and industrialization were not actually sustainable. He makes a case for recognizing finite natural resources and spaces, and considering ecology and diversity as a part of any planning process.

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Berger's impact on northern resource development and the legal legacy of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry has been remembered by many. Read about Berger's current activities in the CBC article: "B.C. makes symbolic choice in retaining Thomas Berger as counsel in Trans Mountain challenge." 

Watch The Inquiry Film, hosted by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. 

Access this Resource:

Berger, Thomas R. “The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry.Osgood Hall Law Journal 16 (1978): 639-647.


Additional Info

  • Publication Type: Journal Article
  • In Publication: Osgood Hall Law Journal
  • Keywords: Land Use|Mackenzie Valley Development
Last modified on Wednesday, 06 June 2018 21:26