Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı
Sahtú Renewable Resources Board


Building Aboriginal Literacy Cards

Author: Northwest Territories Literacy Council
Publication Year: n.d.

These are a series of monolingual cards with photographs from Sahtú communities and Dene words. The introduction reads,

Dene xǝdǝ la begháré dene ts’ı̨lı̨ gha ket’ódeɁá yá ɂagóht’e. Dene xed́é k’égháré yá dene he’egúɂa, denewá ts’ı̨lı̨́ k’égháré ɂadegots’ǝdı hé ts’ı̨duwe légots’ede gháré dúle hı̨dówé gots’é bet’óts’edéhɂa. Menı begǫhlı̨ gots’é dene xǝdé k’é bet’sé gots’ǝdǝ nı́dé ɂeyı keyá dzı’ıne toréht’é kedexǝdǝ́ k’é denets’é gokǝdǝ gha.

Ts’ǫ́dane ke kugólı̨ gots’ę kugháı́ sóɂareht’e gots’é dúle t’áhsı̨ gołǫ kegokı́hɂa yá ɂakı̨t’e. Ɂeyı gháré dene hı̨sha ke hé menıdene xǝdǝ́ k’égodǝ ke ts’ǫ́dane ke kedexǝdǝ́ kúshu gha le’rakede.

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Read more materials from the Northwest Territories Literacy Council: https://www.nwtliteracy.ca/resources/indigenous-languages-and-literacies

Access this Resource:

Northwest Territories Literacy Council. Building Aboriginal Literacy Cards, North Slavey. Yellowknife: Department of Education, Culture, and Employment, n.d.

Additional Info

  • Publication Type: Dene Ts’ı̨lı̨ Resource
  • Place Published: Yellowknife
  • Keywords: Language|Education
Last modified on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 22:58